
  Sooooo… have any other doctoral researchers out there resorted to obsessively reading their horoscope in an effort to figure out what the hell they are supposed to be doing and how the H-E-double-hockey-sticks one is supposed to do this??? Yeah, me neither, I was asking for a friend… We are serious academics people!!! ButContinue reading “Woo-Woo-PhD-ing”

Hello My Name is Mamalegato and I am a Procrastibaker.

I belong to a Facebook group for PhD and Early Career Researcher Parents- where,  we share the challenges of parenting while trying to navigate academia and just recently one of the members posted a photo of some adorable but labour intensive looking Easter themed cupcakes proclaiming herself to be a procrastibaker- I can SO relate,Continue reading “Hello My Name is Mamalegato and I am a Procrastibaker.”

The Early Bird Gets The Worm (and gets a bunch of other stuff done too.)

    I am an early riser. I always have been, my Mother was too, she grew up on a farm and I like to think it is in the genes. Even as a undergrad student, working until 3 am in a bar, I still woke up at 9 am (early for a barmaid andContinue reading “The Early Bird Gets The Worm (and gets a bunch of other stuff done too.)”

Adrenaline junkie…who me?

Several years ago a colleague in academia commented to me that procrastinators are adrenaline junkies, and I think about that idea every single freakin’ time I am writing or working on something, especially if it has a deadline.  It can be a paper, an article, rehearsing a show, marking student assignments, pizza lunch forms forContinue reading “Adrenaline junkie…who me?”

Time keeps on ticking…

I don’t have time to be doing this… I don’t have time to be doing anything really, or that’s what it feels like- Have you ever been so busy that you don’t even know where to start, you kind of feel frozen? I guess that’s called being overwhelmed, I am overwhelmed at the moment. IContinue reading “Time keeps on ticking…”

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho…

I’ve been away for awhile, we went on our very fun trip to Tofino (saw whales, a bear an eagle, lots of sea lions, surfed, boogie boarded, evening fire on the beach… did it all!) and when I returned I had 1 week to prepare for a job interview. Not just any job interview, butContinue reading “Heigh Ho Heigh Ho…”

Baby steps

Did I mention that I am finding it hard to stick to any kind of programme?  There many things to “blame” it on (the heat, the kids being home for summer vacation, my “iffy” knee)  but mostly I am staying calm about the whole thing and trying to find that balance between taking the summerContinue reading “Baby steps”

Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!

My “haven’t run in 3 days” excuse de jour? It’s just too darn hot!! It seems we’re breaking records in the temperature department here in balmy Vancouver… 33.8 Celsius!  and while I don’t have too big a problem with it myself I find the kids to be particularly cranky, and of course the last 2 nights haveContinue reading “Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!”