Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!

My “haven’t run in 3 days” excuse de jour? It’s just too darn hot!! It seems we’re breaking records in the temperature department here in balmy Vancouver… 33.8 Celsius!  and while I don’t have too big a problem with it myself I find the kids to be particularly cranky, and of course the last 2 nights haveContinue reading “Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!”

…Ain’t No Cure For The Summertime Blues

As much as I love summer and the opportunity to break with the monotony of schedules, the racing from one activity to another, the juggling, the “lets GO! everyone in the van!!” I am certainly finding, in terms of ” getting things done,” I thrive in that atmosphere, when there are a billion things to getContinue reading “…Ain’t No Cure For The Summertime Blues”

She’s crafty… not.

I have always wanted to be a natural crafty kind of gal but it just ain’t happening. I came to terms with my non-crafty ways ages ago but every once in awhile I think maybe with the right amount of patience and a whole lot of heart I will overcome my awkwardness with a glueContinue reading “She’s crafty… not.”

Are We There yet?

Next time I tell you that I’m looking forward to spending 4 days in a hotel room with 6 kids slap me ‘k?   No, really, I joke, a lovely time was had by all for the most part, except for the first night when I sliced open my hand on a wine glass thatContinue reading “Are We There yet?”

En Vacances

It’s here- summer officially starts for me today. School is done. Hip Hip Hooray. I’m usually enthusiastic about the whole thing for about 4 weeks- the last 4 weeks I spend dreaming of schedules and new school supplies (who doesn’t loooooove new school supplies?!) But for today I am happy not to be making lunchesContinue reading “En Vacances”